We've Been There and Rocked Dermatology Immunology Endocrinology Neurology Urology Women’s Health Pain Sexual Dysfunction

Its time to take center stage.

Research Study Rockstar™ (RSR) has taken center stage as the industry’s premier digital/social media advertising strategy that uses proprietary digital/social media advertising algorithms, programming, and strategies to reach your potential patients, inform them about your study opportunity, drive them to a simple study-specific landing page, provide details to help confirm their eligibility, and securely connect them with their local site for contact and screening through our referral tracking platform, LetsRockENROLL™, all for one all-inclusive package price.

Targeted Advertising

Targeted ads appear on social media newsfeeds.

Landing Pages

Study-specifi c landing pages (can include a pre-screener) drive referrals to the LetsRockENROLL portal.

Real Time Analytics Tracking

Track real time analytics blah blah blah.

On-demand Referral Tracking

Access referrals and drag and drop to track referral status.